I don't mean to be over dramatic but I think I might have witnessed the beginning of something that will probably change the way media, and especially TV, work soon.
While watching Da Ali G show yesterday night, one ad particularly stood out for me.
Redbull advertised that they will be beaming the Red Bull X-Fighters Competition live
here on September 14th at 8pm.
I was in disbelief.
Red Bull buying an ad space on prime time telling people to go online and watch a prime time live broadcast. What surprises me most is Channel 4 allowing that ad to run.
Ok maybe Ch 4 don't think that many audience will log on to watch it, OR on September 14th at 8pm they have a great show on, or a shit one so much so they let RedBull win and get some money out of it.
We all know where the future is heading but this is like a public admission by a national broadcaster.
"If we can't beat them, let's get some cash out of them".